The most important consideration for any garden which is likely to home pets, particularly dogs, is to make sure the  perimeter is secure. Relying on existing planting or dilapidated fencing is simply a challenge to most four legged friends, who given half the chance, will find a way out of anything less than a 100% dog proof fence.

These are all relevant questions when it comes to researching a pet friendly fencing solutions. A solid timber fence will eliminate any area for your dog to squeeze through. There are a variety of options available so whether you want a classic Featherboard style that not only looks good but is cost effective or a modern option such as Jacksons Chilham fence panel which pairs dog security with style; there are Different Types of Fencing to choose from dependent on your requirements. Pick the best option for you and your dog.

Well dug foundations, strong posts and tall panels (6ft high) are all essential especially if you have a large dog that jumps up against the fence. For this, we recommend a sturdy panel like Chilham or Tongue and Groove which are some of the heaviest solid panels.

Depending on the nature of your dog, a solid panel may cause stress or frustration as they cannot see out. If your pet falls into this category, you’ll likely require a semi solid panel, and a keen favourite with dog owners is the Picket Fence. Ideal for smaller breeds, the gaps between each of the pales can be suited to your dog so that they cannot squeeze through. Heights for this style of fence can vary, so choose one which suits the size of your dog so that it can’t jump over.


If you have a dog that loves to dig, it may be worth thinking about adding a section of steel fencing below your timber fence. Options include using Stock Fencing or Chicken Wire below ground level we can be easily installed during or after your fence installation. You will need to dig a suitable depth trench near the fence, cut the chicken wire to size and place in the ground.


Ideal for horse fencing, or countryside environments post and rail is available in many different styles to suit your horse field. Installed by Worcester Timber Products, Jacksons Fencing also offer metal and timber field gates to keep your fields secure.


garden gate can often be the weak link in keeping dogs contained. It can provide plenty of options in terms of escape. Our best advice is installing the gate on flat ground in order to have the gate installed as close to ground level as possible whilst allowing for the 50mm gap for opening and closing. Gates should be fitted with a secure lock to reduce any chance of the gate becoming unlatched. A lockable gate is recommended in case your dog is a talented escape artist.

You should try and remove any climbing aids from near the fence line also, just in case.

There is point in having a robust fence installed around your garden perimeter if the entry gates into the premises are not secure. Ensure that the hinges and bolts are working correctly – a gate which has come away from its hinges or that has dropped making it difficult to close can easily offer an exit route for pets. Rust can cause the gate fittings to no longer function efficiently so always choose a gate with either stainless steel or galvanised hinges and bolts.


There are a number of plant species which are highly dangerous to animals and these are to be avoided in the garden at all costs. These include daffodil bulbs, deadly nightshade, narcissus bulbs and umbrella plant. Visit The Dogs Trust website for more details. Some species of plant regularly used to create a hedge which acts as an effective boundary are also included in the list of ‘toxic’ plants. Pet owners are therefore encouraged to opt for a suitable strong fence which represents a more responsible (and lower maintenance) choice.


Any fencing or gate which is prone to rotting will compromise the safety of the garden so always seek out products which are supported by a long life time guarantee. For example, the unique Jakcure® timber treatment process from Jacksons offers a 25-year guarantee against rot and wood boring pests on all timber products, representing peace of mind that your fencing investment is safe and also delivering a virtually maintenance-free fencing solution.