PM Narendra Modi announced on January 17, that 5G services have been unveiled in select cities and will gradually roll-out across India in coming years. He made this announcement while walking among pavilions of major telecom operators at India Mobile Congress held in New Delhi.
Reliance, Airtel and Vodafone Idea each presented one 5G use case to the Prime Minister in his presence: precision drone farming; High Security Routers with AI Based Cyber Threat Detection Platforms; Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV); Augmented/Virtual Reality/Mix Reality in Education.
Faster Speeds
PM Narendra Modi recently unveiled services which are expected to offer speeds 10 times faster than 4G with seamless, lag-free connectivity, reduced energy use, increased spectrum efficiency and enhanced augmented and virtual reality applications in education, healthcare and smart cities – plus much more!
The Prime Minister also interacted with students using holograms in their classrooms and discussed the value of technology in education. He spoke of plans by his government to push electronic chips, expand optical fibre network across villages and promote digital entrepreneurship within India.
At Pragati Maidan’s launch event, Mukesh Ambani of Reliance Communications, Sunil Bharti Mittal of Airtel and Kumar Mangalam Birla from Vodafone Idea were all present alongside other telecom industry giants including Mukesh Ambani of Reliance Communications, Sunil Bharti Mittal from Airtel, Kumar Mangalam Birla from Vodafone Idea and Kumar Mangalam Birla of Vodafone Idea among others. He then visited various stalls during India Mobile Congress 6 where various uses cases were demonstrated like precision farming precision drone-based farming precision drone-based farming technology as well as ambulance-based health diagnostics systems among others.
More Capabilities
5G offers India tremendous economic and societal potential. Capable of supporting ultra-fast internet speeds, 5G can unlock new economic and societal benefits that will transform Indian society, from education to healthcare, agriculture and disaster monitoring – disrupting sectors multiple times faster than 4G while offering seamless connectivity without any lag-time issues.
This year, the government auctioned 51,236 MHz of 5G spectrum for telecom companies at an unprecedented record price of Rs 1,50-173 crore, giving telcos access to this capacity and offering high-speed, low latency communications to 130 crore people nationwide.
Reliance Jio will host a demonstration for Prime Minister Modi which will connect three teachers based in Mumbai to students across three locations using 5G technology, to demonstrate its potential use in education by shortening geographical distances between teachers and pupils, while using augmented reality techniques to teach children about solar system concepts.
Better Battery Life
5G offers improved battery life, so users can easily enjoy their favorite apps and websites without fear of running out of data or losing connectivity. Furthermore, 5G’s energy efficiency helps consumers as well as businesses reduce costs.
Modi will visit pavilions set up by Reliance Jio, Airtel and Vodafone Idea where he’ll experience its various uses firsthand.
The Prime Minister will show how 5G technology can be used to monitor work on a Delhi Metro tunnel and will watch a live demonstration wherein an Uttar Pradesh girl experiences an engaging learning experience provided by Reliance Jio using Augmented Reality on a screen courtesy of Reliance Jio. He’ll also witness how Airtel uses their network to improve healthcare in rural India.
Lower Cost
5G will bring India an ultra-fast internet experience and many economic and societal advantages that will enable it to transform society. As part of its fifth generation mobile technology, 5G promises reduced energy usage, greater spectrum utilization efficiency, and faster speeds than 4G.
Reliance Jio used 5G technology to demonstrate its power by connecting a teacher in Mumbai with students at three different locations across Maharashtra, Gujarat and Odisha through a live hologram link. Airtel provided another demonstration by featuring a girl from Uttar Pradesh experiencing an engaging education experience on solar system using Virtual reality and Augmented Reality technology.
PM Narendra Modi inaugurated the sixth edition of India Mobile Congress at Pragati Maidan in Delhi today and visited various stalls to gain first-hand experience of what 5G can bring to India. On this occasion, he stated that New India would not just consume technology but would take an active part in developing and implementing it; further noting his government’s success with digital India is based on four key pillars such as cost of devices, digital connectivity costs, data costs and their Digital First approach.