10 suggestions for healthy eating when suffering from diabetes

1. Choose healthier carbohydrates

All carbs influence the blood glucose levels, so it is important to be aware of what foods are high in carbohydrates. Pick healthier choices that are carb-rich and stay conscious of the portion sizes you consume.

In the same way it’s essential to reduce consumption of products that lack fibre like white bread white rice, white rice, and highly processed cereals. Food labels can be checked when looking for products with high levels of fibre if not sure.

2. Reduce the amount of salt you consume.

Salt intake can increase the risk of high blood pressure. It increases your risk of heart problems and stroke. If you’re diabetic is already a high risk, you’re susceptible to all of these diseases.

Limit your intake to 6-grams of salt per day. Many packaged meals have salt, so be sure to examine the food labels and opt for ones that are less salty. Making your own meals will allow you to keep a close eye on the amount of salt you’re consuming. You can also be imaginative and swap salt for different kinds of spices and herbs to enhance the flavor.

3. Reduce the consumption of red and processed meat.

If you’re trying to reduce your intake of carbohydrates, you may start to consume larger portions of meat to help fill your stomach. It’s not a great option to do this with red or processed meats like sausages, bacon, ham as well as lamb and beef. All of them are linked to cancers and heart problems.

Beans, peas, and lentils are all rich in fiber and don’t impact your blood glucose levels in a significant way, making them a fantastic alternative to red and processed meats and ensuring you feel full. We all know that fish is beneficial to us but oily fish such as mackerel and salmon are more beneficial. They are high in what’s called omega-3 oil. It can help protect your heart. It is recommended to consume at least two servings of oily fish every week.

4. Take more fruit and vegetables.

It’s no secret that eating fruits and vegetables is healthy for you. It’s a good idea to try to eat more during meals, and also take them for snacks when you’re feeling hungry. This will allow you to get the minerals, vitamins, and fiber that your body requires each day to maintain your health.

You might be thinking about fruits and whether you should stay away from it since it’s sweet? It’s not true. Whole fruit is great for all people, and if you suffer from diabetes, it’s not more or less. Fruits are sugar-free but it’s not a sugar that is natural. This is in contrast to adding sugar (also called free sugars) which is found in items like biscuits, chocolate, and cakes.

Fruit juices and other fruit-based products are also considered to be added sugar. Therefore, opt to whole fruits instead. This could be frozen, fresh dried, tinned or even dried (in the juice form, and not syrup). It’s recommended to eat it over the course of the day rather than eating one larger portion at once.

5. Choose healthier fats

Everyone needs fat in our diets as it provides us with energy. But different types of fat affect our health in different ways.

Healthy fats can be found present in food items like nuts that are not salted avocados, seeds, seeds, olive oil, oily fish the oil of rapeseed and sunflower oil. Certain saturated fats can raise the cholesterol levels in the bloodstream, thereby increasing the chance of having heart problems. They are mostly discovered in products of animals as well as prepared foods such as:

It’s an excellent idea to reduce the use of oils so you can grill or steam cook food instead.

6. Reduce the amount of sugar added

We all know that cutting out sugar can be difficult in the beginning making small changes are an excellent start when trying to cut back on excessive sugar. Making the switch from energy drinks, sugary drinks, and juices of fruit with plain or water or coffee and tea with no sugar is an excellent beginning.

Eliminating these sugars added to your diet will help you control your blood sugar levels and also help you control your weight. Try low-calorie or zero-calorie sweeteners (also called artificial sweeteners or sugar-free sweeteners) to aid in cutting down on. They are also helpful to lose weight in the short-term in the event that you don’t substitute drinks and foods that have high calories. But in the longer time, you should try to reduce the sweetness of your diet.

7. Be careful with your snacks

If you’re looking for a snack, opt for yoghurts seeds, nuts or fruits and vegetables instead of chips, crisps or biscuits, chocolates or chocolates. However, be mindful of your portion sizes as it will aid in keeping in check your weight.

8. Take your alcohol responsibly

Alcohol is very calorific If you drink and are trying to shed weight, consider cutting down. Make sure you limit your consumption at a minimum of 14 units per week. Spread it out so that you not drink too much, and spend a couple of days each week without drinking alcohol.

If you are taking insulin or any other diabetes medication it’s also not recommended to drink alcohol on an empty stomach. This is due to alcohol’s ability to cause hypos to be more likely to occur.

9. Avoid so-called diabetic foods

To claim that food is an “diabetic food” is now not legal. It’s because there’s not any evidence that suggests these products provide you with a distinct advantage over eating healthy. They may also contain the same amount of calories and fat as other items, and could influence your blood glucose levels. Some of these foods may produce a laxative effect.

10. Get your vitamins and minerals from food sources

There is no evidence to suggest that vitamin and mineral supplements can aid in managing your diabetes. If you’ve not been advised to take a certain medication by your doctor such as folic acid to help pregnancy, there’s no need to take supplements.

It’s best to obtain your vital nutrients through a mix of various foods. Because certain supplements could affect the medication you take or cause some diabetes-related complications to become worse, such as kidney disease.

Remember to keep moving

Physical activity is an integral part of eating a healthier diet. It will help you manage your diabetes as well as lower your risk of developing heart-related issues. This is due to it increasing levels of glucose utilized by your muscles and assists your body to use insulin more effectively.

Aim for at minimum 150 mins of moderate-intensity every week. This means anything that increases the heart rate, causes you breathe more quickly and feels warmer. You should be able to talk, but only slightly breathless. It’s not necessary to complete the entire 150 minutes at once. Divide it into bite-sized chunks of 10 minutes over the week, or 30 minutes five times per week.